What's this here about?
If you have been to the Mainpage, I think you should know. If not, I suggest you dedicate to the various categories.
Who or what is "Ilionej"?
The main-protagonist, so, the biggest key point of all key points in my novels. For more information, the rubrics "The Books" and "Ilionej's World" on the page for my novels are kindly at your disposal.
P.S.: It's pronounced "Eeonnay". ;)
You write?
Yes. Since I could, and relatively actively since I was 16. But until my 11th year of age I didn't even want to read. Joanne Kathleen Rowling luckily changed my mind.
How did the idea for these books come into your mind?
One summerday in Bad Tatzmannsdorf, when I was thinking about the family tree of a certain old man, whom also Abiùl(Ilionej's grandfather) and his twin brother Aberio are based of. No, this man doesn't live anymore, nor did he know about me during his lifetime.
Then somewhen I had the concepts for St.Georges and Ilionej's grand aunt Maya in mind. Though the concept of the story(1 A4 page) was a bit dull, so I let dust fall onto it.
About a year later, in 2007, I went looking for it again because I suddendly had an afflatus. I can't even remember what it was and how it happened.
Anyway, one emerged from another and suddenly the prologue had 21 pages(pocket size), which made it become the 1st chapter. In the end there were 723 pages as well as 3(by now there are 11) chapters of a successor and the beginning and ending of part 3.
Can I read the books already?
If you find information on the book "Nizéth's Remains" in "The Books", then novel number one has been published.
Not long ago I read about a story quite similar to what you describe yours.
Well - what can I say, there is a limit of human imagination and a limited mass of existing information. What each of us makes from it, can never be predicted. Also there are people resembling each other. So it can quite likely be that similar ideas are seized. Whoever this author is, I don't know and don't want to know, as I want to remain relatively unaffected, because I think that this other person wasn't influenced by me either(At least I hope so. I however know where I got my inspiration from and this will be listed truthfully in all detail in the speeches of thanks in my novels).
But I can guarantee that, whatever is the main essence of this other story, is for sure different to mine. Because, even if their descriptions might sound familiar to you, the point of my
story is far from what is conveyed in the first novel. Have fun thinking. =)
It could however be, that this person stole the story out of the information I already provided. >:( Therefore it would perhaps be nice to keep your eyes open and bring such stories to my
attention. Thanks.
FanFiction? But there isn't one on your books in there!
Of course not. That page contains FanFictions I write about other stories. Wouldn't it be crazy if there existed fan stories for a not yet published novel? O_o
Where did you learn how to draw/paint?
Partly it's heredity, the rest came through encouragement by my teachers(quite indirectly) or was self-taught.
There is a piano and transverse flute in your - coat of arms. Are you a musician too?
Hmm..once there was a time when I used to compose. But due to technical lacks I couldn't continue propperly. Since then I'm only playing the piano for myself, the transverse flute in the Musikverein and sing at the top of my voice when I'm alone. No worries. Mostly it won't harm the neighbours. Only if I'm not turning on the volume in my earphones too much - or being hoarse. ^^;
How do you make all the jewellery? And - is that easy?
In the workshop of the Ortweinschule, as well as at home. For more, please read it the category "About Me". Detailed enquiries go either to the Guestbook or direct contacting. :) And no. It takes years of practice. And still I don't master it, or I'm too impatient. Also you may kick the thought of being able to do that on your kitchen table without bigger financial effort(or a galactical mess) right out of your head. Even I have a propper goldsmith's table and appropriate tools for the work at home. Though still I have to do the bigger metal works in school.
There's something about Cosplay. Why can't I find a thing about this on here/why does this have its own page?
Because I felt that this very own kind of art needs its very own page. (If you, for what reason ever can't click on the picture, look here: http://ilionej-cosplay.jimdo.com/ ) If you really want to know, I'd run out of storage space. Do you fund me more storage space? Also I think I wouldn't have enough sub-categories available.. ;)
Though its construction is quite similar to the page about my novels, it solely deals with my work as a Cosplayer. Even the N.E.W.S. part runs entirely independent.
Where does your inspiration come from? (e.g. for the persons / places / events in your novels or jewellery /visual art)
For me, inspiration can come from everywhere. It can be anything from an amazingly talented artist to a total jerk as a person, from the most beautiful
sunset to a tiny piece of broken concrete lying in front of my toes. Simply anything. What my brain does with it, I often have no bearing of and therefore can do nothing but putting
it down in any way.
Do you sell your work?
I hope to sell the books at least. ;) Though I don't write any stories/poems, neither for money, nor for obliging anyone. If we know one another
personally, it's different of course..
I'm possibly up for grabs if you need a short text translated somewhere between German and English and I'm for sure the better alternative to the Google
Translator, shouldn't you have any relatives or acquaintances with corresponding knowledge.
Concerning jewellery and similar, original works are basically not for sale. However, I am indeed willing to reproduce the one or other piece.
Unfortunately I cannot ship internationally yet, which means that I would prefer customers from around Austria(that one in the middle of Europe, not the Kangaroo Continent ;P ). Inherently I
don't ship, nor deliver, but we could meet somewhere, couldn't we? Besides, I'd like to know whom I entrust with my hallows. But no worries. I do respect privacy.
An absolute NO to everything in connection with my FanFictions and Cosplay Costumes! Maybe posters and autograph cards later, but I'll announce that.
Pictoral wishes are up for discussion. :)
Anyhow I reserve all rights that are not contradictory to third party rights(so as for example in the matter of FanArt)!
What by all forces I know is [...] and why isn't there more info about it?
Relax. Either it's yet to come, or you will have to accept the situation til the end of - my - life. I bet it's the first.
Why are the pages on your novels and cosplays in the one design and that on your jewellery aso. and FanFictions in another?
Simply: The novels came first. Then I added more and more. Why Cosplay is separated, can be read further up. This also applies on the page here, as well as the FanFiction Page. I had reached the point where I couldn't stand not having the books be a project of their own anymore. Meanwhile however, Jimdo(the provider you can see in the URL because I am proud of not having to spend money on my online presence) did a complete overhaul on their designs and reduced them massively. The old designs aren't available anymore and once I change something of that sort, it's - out the window. Gone forever. And I don't want that, although the menu navigation can be annoying sometimes. In addition the old design still allows me to deactivate the mobile version(which wrecks some fine havoc with my nice layout).
Compromises we both have to live with.
What is the story behind your coat of arms?
A cookie. Yes, a cookie. My Mama bakes and sells Christmas cookies. The filling is partly mine to do. So it is with the nut-nougat-mushrooms. And if you innocently coat such a shroomie, it can happen to turn into a knight's helmet. So what you see there, is nothing but the altered photo of said nougat filling. (And that took longer than expected. Eventually I had to draw the outlines with my graphic tablet, aso..) Pencil, brush, hanmer and scrolls stand for some of my tools. I drew them the same way. Yes, I possess such an old, wonky hammer. After all that's my name(irony of fate haha). The brush is black, because I'm against apartheit. (Yes, I am, but don't ask why the brush is black. I won't tell anyone.) This one and the scrolls are drawn from scratch though.
The text on those is Latin and hopefully makes sense. I never had Latin lessons.
Imaginatio Veritas Est (In imagination there is truth) || Tuus Praeteritum Ninquam Oblivisce (Never forget your past)
They're two of my mottos/vitalisms. I could have written uncountably more onto them, but I didn't want this thing to be made of 101 parchment scrolls. ;)
As you hopefully saw right, that in the back is the sign for Gemini, my Zodiac. My love for music is symbolised by two of the instruments I play: piano and transverse flute.
IF you though mean to ask for my sign("the round thing with the triangle, lines, dots and the crystal in the middle"), I will redirect you to my novels' page. More precisely, to the information about The Sisters. Thank you and have fun riddling it out.
Why the rainbow? Are you lesbian?
That was two questions. And I believe in Unicorns. (Yes, I do.) Well. A) Take a closer look at my novels' page. Notice anything? ;) And - since when do modern societies these days believe that rainbows equals sexual outing?(they took the rainbow for their flag because they want to convey tolerance for EVERYTHING beautiful in life) Anyway, to make this clear, I do speak Latin that much: homo = human. Yes, I am homosexual, as I am sexually attracted to HUMANS. To which, is my business. And to which others are attracted to, is their business as much and I take this as it is, just as much as you should.
Also I sometimes claim to have a favourite colour, but let's be honest, I'm mad for the entire colour palette of all universes, as well as the fascinating result of refraction in water molecules or glass, crystals, aso..... That has B) nothing to do with "artist's suffering". It is as it is and I'm proud of it. And why do people actually always connect C) Unicorns and rainbows? Yes, both great, but Unicorns are too heavy to walk on rainbows. Except if they stride in an oil spill.
And at this point D) an artistically versed human being comes bursting in and interprets is as an allegory for my versatility as an artist. P.S.: Allegories are figurally humanised depictions of immaterial actualities. Just so you understand what I'm driving at.
Are you a spiteful person?
In "I'm telling you!"-moments, it may happen. Please don't be angry. It's your fault. Essentially I'm as mild as cotton candy without sugar and just want to play.
There was one more - what's that donkey doing on the bottom?
It is there because my layout won't allow me to insert stationary pictures neither on top, nor the left or right side of my page.
Oh wait - you mean, what's it for? Well, I'm not government-fundet, nor art is my regular occupation(which currently consists of pocket-money-collecting and unpaid study). Which means, I am
consistently practically broke. So if you don't know what for you got that much money in your own pockets, or suffer from a money consuming addiction you wish to get rid of, you may
invest your money in me. I'll be chuffed about backing that'll help me realise my projects. So every fart of the donkey counts.
And no worries, the money solely goes to my Paypal account where it will exclusively be used for buying materials and crafting supplies online.
Deutsche Version? Who translates your page?
The German Version is the original. You are currently on the version I translated to English all by myself. Forgive me please, if you come across odd sentences.
Question not answered? Leave a comment or contact me directly.
Thank you. =)
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