If the younger ones learn how to punch..
..they throw their pieces of practice into the brass waste.
But waste isn't always trash.
Therefore I take it out again and manufacture it into individual pendants, whereby I keep both the original form of the metal plate and the nubers visible. Well, to be honest, I melt them like
there is no tomorrow..
Material: brass
Size: 48mm x 38mm x 7mm
Artwork, idea, photo, setting: ©Sandra F. Hammer, 2011
Material: brass
Size: Size: 36mm x 32mm x 12,5mm
Artwork, idea, photo, setting: ©Sandra F. Hammer, 2011
Material: brass
Size: Size: 38mm x 32mm x 12mm
Artwork, idea, photo, setting: ©Sandra F. Hammer, 2011